7 February 2021

Day 102

 There are days when we come back to some old places, ideas and sensations. Even though we have moved on, grown into something new and run with the flow of life... deep down we will always treasure old selves. As long as time flows you start to realize how it is important not to lose those tiny connections to the core of own soul. It is like a magic wand that enables to time travel between the pages which we have already read... sometimes too hastily, skipping some chapters too eager to know the ending of this or that particular part of the series. Some characters have not lived up to our expectations or the plot twist was too unexpected. However, isn't like that there would not be new without old and vice versa?

2 July 2020

Day 101

Sound of the swallows in the mid of rain
Stormy sky just before the thunder
What a scandal!
It was on my mind circling around 
This one moment of decision 
beyond the precision of the seamstress's cut 
At the drop of the hat it has gone so flat
In this fight of pride which turned out  to be a tide
washing of the sand writing which was not 
after all so enchanting...

24 February 2019

Day 100

Days of the past flames 
left traces of ashes 
between whispered words and dashes 
hopeless awaiting 
for a shooting star on the cloudy sky ...

24 July 2018

Day 99

She was like a withered rose
 laid on forgotten tombstone in abandoned cemetery;
he came and made her 
a shrine of true love hidden in a simple wooden box.

25 May 2018

Day 98

It is so easy to get lost in this world. We sometimes try so much to fit into the life patterns that we tend to forget own identity. We follow crowds instead explore ourselves because we are afraid of  being different. The real curse is the repetitiveness. It kills the creativity blocking positivity  and possibility of improvement.  The truth essence of life is spontaneity. The courage of moving forward even if the sky is full of stormy clouds.  It does not mean we should not have an umbrella (just in case) but to be open for all possibilities that come with the wind. Sometimes the storm and craziness of unexpected is the only way to actually start live anew and discover the inner strength that we never expected to exist in us.

24 February 2018

Day 97

Second, just a mere second that can change lives and build the future. When we look at a ticking clock a second  seems so insignificant but without seconds there would not have been minutes, hours....If we master a second we will mange the time. Second can bring so many memories, favourite scent, smile, happiness, sentimental sadness or enlightement ....it is all closed in the single tick of the clock.

7 January 2018

Day 96

“Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. 
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” 
                                                     ― Paulo Coelho,