18 March 2015

Day 33

First impressions are usually wrong, even Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice depicts how easily it makes our life more complicated. The truth is that we like to  judge people by their appearance, behaviour  and so on. We are also easily influenced by other people judgements and take it for granted. It makes our brain lazy and laziness is the worst disease of our times. Thinking is the only way to keep our brain alive otherwise it will became empty box which easily can be fulfilled with thoughts and opinions of others. The laziness steals our motivation and if we postpone something on another day in consequence, there will be another one and another. The vicious circle of laziness is the hardest thing to break, so  it is good to force ourselves to intellectual work and meddle in a social group that can be an inspiration for  us to do something more in life. Without pain there is now gain as Benjamin Franlklin writes , so if you want to take over the world like Pinky and Brain start today.

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